The gaps of cinema by Jacques Rancière
Twitter as a multilingual space: The articulation of the Tunisian revolution through #sidibouzid by Thomas Poell and Kaouthar Darmoni
Policing the people: Television studies and the problem of ‘quality’ by Sudeep Dasgupta
The photo-novel, a minor medium? by Jan Baetens
Special Section: Crisis
Sea-change: Transforming the ‘crisis’ in film theory by Robert Sinnerbrink
A sideways view of the film economy in an age of digital piracy by Ramon Lobato
Portraying the global financial crisis: Myth, aesthetics, and the city by Miriam Meissner
Universal, Germany, and All Quiet on the Western Front: A case study in crisis historiography by Michael Wedel
Ephemeral bodies and threshold creatures: The crisis of the adolescent rite of passage in Sofia Coppola’s The Virgin Suicides and Gus Van Sant’s Elephant by Anna Backman Rogers
Book Reviews:
Crisis and capitalism in contemporary Argentine cinema reviewed by Fausto Appiolaza
Towards a new media archaeology? A report on some books and tendencies reviewed by Petra Löffler
Conference Reviews:
Moving image and institution: Cinema and the museum in the 21st century, University of Cambridge reviewed by Beatriz Bartolomé Herrera
The impact of technological innovations on the historiography and theory of cinema, La Cinémathèque québécoise, Montreal reviewed by Trond Lundemo
Festival + Exhibition Reviews:
Busan Cinema Forum 2011 reviewed by Skadi Loist and Marijke de Valck
Atlas. How to carry the world on one’s back? reviewed by Teresa Castro