Submitting a research article
For each NECSUS issue, we publish two call for papers: The CfP for special section articles is usually published in February (for the Autumn issue) and August (for the Spring issue) and invites abstracts for articles engaging with the theme of the section (as defined by the guest editors). The CfP for feature articles is usually published in March (for the Autumn issue) and September (for the Spring issue) and invites abstracts for articles on a variety of themes related to media studies but not necessarily connected to a special section topic. These specific submission windows ensure that we can respond with an acceptance/rejection within 4-6 weeks after your submission. Please keep an eye on our news section for current calls for papers.
Rather than submitting a full manuscript, we ask authors to submit an abstract (300 words max.) with a short bio (100 words max.) and 3-5 key bibliographic sources via e-mail to within the respective timeframes. All full-length articles are reviewed by at least one external peer reviewer and at least one member of the NECSUS editorial board.
If you are interested in guest editing a special section, please send your suggestion for a theme and a brief description to
Submitting a festival/book/exhibition review
The book review section publishes critical writing on recent publications that fall within the broad scope of media studies. The festival review section provides a platform for writing between individual festival reports and film festival research, with one general and one thematic section each year. The exhibition review section features critical writing on cinema, visual, and media arts exhibitions. Suggestions for festival, book and exhibition reviews are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. All reviews are peer reviewed by the section editors as well as the NECSUS editorial board.
If you are interested in writing a review, you can find more information on the different review sections here.
Submitting a data paper
The data papers published in NECSUS The data paper not only makes the data available, but also adds a critical discussion and reflection on the specificities of the data set, on the rationales behind the gathering, on the methods and implicit assumptions. Suggestions for data papers are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. All data papers are peer reviewed by the section editors Malte Hagener and Alexandra Schneider as well as the NECSUS editorial board.
If you are interested in publishing a data paper, you can find more information here.
Submitting an audiovisual essay
The audiovisual essay section is a curated section, edited by a different guest editor each issue. Currently, we do not accept unsolicited submissions for this section.
If you are interested in guest editing an audiovisual essay section, please send the suggestion for a theme and a brief description to