Editorial Process
1. Submitting an abstract
Please refer to our submissions page for detailed information about the timelines and processes for submitting an article, review or data paper to NECSUS.
2. Manuscript Submission – 1st Draft
Manuscripts for articles must be under the 8,000 word count limit (including abstracts, references, endnotes, bios, and figure captions) before being considered for peer review. Festival, exhibition and book reviews must be under the 3,000 word count limit.
- Please submit an anonymous version of your article for peer review – without bio and/or other identifying elements.
- If you are planning to use images in your article, please include a low-resolution version in the manuscript for peer review.
- Please follow this format to name your document: LastName_Title_1st Draft
3. Peer Review
NECSUS is a blind peer reviewed journal. The editorial process involves peer review of all articles, festival, book and exhibition reviews and audiovisual essays. Please note that the acceptance of an abstract does not guarantee that your work will be published. All full-length articles are reviewed by at least one external peer reviewer and at least one member of the NECSUS editorial board. All reviews and audiovisual essays are peer reviewed by the section editors as well as the NECSUS editorial board.
Texts are judged on the basis of relevance to the aims and scope of the journal, originality, rigour of thought, and the use of straightforward and precise prose.
Authors are notified of acceptance, rejection, or the need for revision as soon as possible after submitting the full manuscript – as an estimate, the peer review process takes ca. 6 weeks.
4. Author Revisions – Revised Draft
Following the peer review, we will forward the comments by the peer reviewer(s) and the editorial board to you. Most manuscripts require revision by the author before final acceptance. The turnaround for this step is 3-4 weeks in most cases.
- Please submit your revised manuscripts as unformatted Word documents without embedded illustrations or auto-formatted reference sections. If you are planning to include images, please see the instructions further below.
- Include a 100-word abstract.
- Include 4-5 keywords: Keywords should not also appear in the title or abstract as these words will already be available for search engines. Instead use keywords to provide new information about your text. Use common words that readers may use in searches. It is best to avoid abbreviations, highly technical
terms or neologisms. - Please include an author bio (max. 150 words) in this revised draft, before the references.
5. Editing and Final Proofs
Your revised manuscript will be copyedited, and returned to you for final approval. As part of this step, you will also receive our Author Consent Form that includes a statement indicating that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere.
Please be aware that this final step usually happens in the month before publication of the issue (November for the Autumn issue, May for the Spring issue) – if you are not available at this time, please inform the editors as soon as possible.
NECSUS uses Chicago Notes and Bibliography for references – please use this style consistently throughout your manuscript.
In-text References
- Only endnotes are allowed (Times New Roman, 10 pts). They may be submitted in the standard word-format as part of the text. Keep their number and length limited.
- Examples:
- Johnson 2012, pp. 10-15.
- For texts by multiple authors: Smith & Wilson 2010, p. 6.
- Submit (end) notes using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9…), single-spaced.
- Quotations within a sentence do not include the final punctuation mark, e.g. Gerritsen said that ‘this was the best way’.15
- Quotations that form a complete sentence include the final punctuation mark, e.g. ‘This is the best way.’16
- Use single quotation marks (‘ ’) and inside that quotation grouping, use doubles (“ ”) when needed.
- Quotations longer than one sentence should be separated from the text.
Please format your reference list at the end of the manuscript alphabitacally by last name.
- Format for Books:
- Include name of editor or translator, edition, date of original publication and any other pertinent information. Include page numbers of quotes.
- Author. Title of book. Place of publication: publisher, date: page numbers.
- Examples:
- Artel, L. Visual or plastic arts. London: John Doe Press, 2002.
- Jones, P. Criticism and cinema: Studies and methods in thinking and writing about moving images. New York: University Press, 2011.
- _____. Criticism and cinema 2: The subject of the screen. New York: University Press, 2012.
- Smith, T. and Franklin, F. ‘The properties of production’ in The task of the producer, edited by D. Wright and T. Johnson. Tokyo: College Press, 2007: 55-65.
- Format for Journal Articles
- Include both volume and issue numbers. Include page numbers of quotes.
- Author. ‘Title of Article’, Name of Periodical, Volume Number, Issue Number, date: page numbers.
- Example:
- Artel, L. ‘Art and Technology’, Leonardo Journal, Vol. 39, No. 1, 31 January 2005: 435-441.
- Format for Websites
- Please include access date. Insure that hyperlinks are working properly.
- Example:
- www.necsus-ejms.org/the-gaps-of-cinema-by-jacques-ranciere/ (accessed on 27 June 2012)
Layout, Spelling and Formatting
- Please submit your manuscript via email as a Word document.
- Submit text with as little ‘formatting’ as possible. If you want a word to be italicised, italicise it in the manuscript. If you want a word to be bolded, set it in bold in the manuscript. The same goes for small capitals and other special formatting. Other than that, please refrain from using layout.
- Please use subheadings where relevant. Subheadings should be in bold.
- Use Times New Roman, 12 pts for text and Times New Roman, 10 pts for footnotes and illustration/image captions.
- Artwork titles should be italicised and in the original language (English translation in parentheses, along with year of production).
- Only numbers under 20 should be written out as words (so, nineteen but 345). You may depart from this rule when numerals or numbers form the main part of the text.
- Be consistent in spelling and transcribing foreign names (for instance, either ‘Dostoyevsky’ or ‘Dostoevskii’, but not both).
- Use British spelling (-ise, not -ize) and follow the Oxford English Dictionary.
- Submit all images, tables and illustrations as separate jpeg files.
- Images should be numbered consecutively (Fig 1, Fig 2, etc.)
- Indicate in the text where exactly you want the tables etc. to be inserted and incorporate in the main text on a separate line: ‘ Table #’ and the desired caption text.
- A maximum of 10 images can be submitted for each article. The file size limit is 200 KB.
- Tables and charts can only be accepted as jpeg files and according to the above size limit.
- Digital images must have at least 300 dpi (dots per inch) with a maximum pixel width of 940.
- If you would like to include video clips, please provide us with a direct link and the particular location where the clip should appear. NECSUS can not host videos, we can only accept videos that have been uploaded and made public on Vimeo or YouTube.
As author you are responsible for obtaining written permission and meeting any related costs for the use of all materials under copyright (such as illustrations and texts) and for the correct acknowledgements for use.
This site is published under the following Creative Commons license: CC BY 4.0.
You are free:
- Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
- Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
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- Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
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