Special section: #Ports
edited by Maria Vélez-Serna and Markus Stauff
Ports: On the material and symbolic mediation of global capitalism by Maria Vélez-Serna and Markus Stauff
Ports and the politics of visibility: An interview with Laleh Khalili by Maria Vélez-Serna and Markus Stauff
Port of call: The eyeline of the logistical image by Stephen Turner
Ports as nodes in film logistics: Swedish film agent Oscar Rosenberg in the years after the First World War by Mats Björkin
The use of sound and film as rebranding strategies in two Danish port cities by Ida Sofie Gøtzsche Lange & Lea Holst Laursen & Marieke van Hulst Pedersen
‘The shipyard is dead’: Ports, memory, and left melancholy in contemporary French cinema by Ben Scott
From cloudy logic to logistical system: Algorimages, black boxes, and the socio-technical infrastructure of platforms by Leo Hansson Nilson
Cinema and/as infrastructure in interwar avant-gardes and empire aviation documentaries by Anu Thapa
First person war: Helmet cameras between testimony and performance by Federico Selvini
National film festivals circuits in the Latin American sphere: Discussing film canon, film culture, and cinephilia by Sebastián González Itier
Girls will be boys in German silent cinema by Laura Horak
Desire lines: An interview on the sociality of film with B. Ruby Rich by Dagmar Brunow and Skadi Loist
Audiovisual Essays: Desktop Documentary
guest edited by Kevin B. Lee and Ariel Avissar
Desktop documentary as scholarly subjectivity: Five approaches by Kevin B. Lee and Ariel Avissar
Desktop Documentary by Johannes Binotto
“With a Camera in Hand, I was Alive” by Katie Bird
Double Exposures: ‘Visual returns’ in the Deadwood and Breaking Bad sequel films by Brunella Tedesco-Barlocco
Indians from 1967: A Reaction by Ritika Kaushik
Some Thoughts Occasioned by Four Desktops by Ariel Avissar
Festival Reviews: Focus on Latin America
edited by Marijke de Valck, Diane Burgess and Antoine Damiens
Arquivo em Cartaz: Archival film festivals amid old and new challenges by Juliana Muylaert
17th DocsMX: Returning to the streets and meeting with audiences by Bianca Pires
Havana Film Festival New York 2022: A cultural bridge emerging from COVID-19 by Michelle Farrell
Book Reviews
edited by Victoria Pastor-González and Patricia Nogueira
Experiencing Cinema / Ephemeral Cinema by Sian Barber
The many stories of cinema and cinephilia in Pakistan by Syeda Momina Masood
Exhibition Reviews
edited by Miriam de Rosa and Annet Dekker
An infinite exhibition fills the nave: Laurent Grasso’s ANIMA by Oksana Chefranova
Becoming Geological: Imagining an affirmative otherwise by Rick Dolphijn and Justyna Jakubiec
Data Papers
edited by Alexandra Schneider and Malte Hagener
Data Papers – An Introduction by Alexandra Schneider and Malte Hagener
How to capture the festival network: Reflections on the Film Circulation datasets by Skadi Loist and Evgenia (Zhenya) Samoilova