At the threshold into new worlds: Virtual reality game worlds beyond narratives by Kai Matuszkiewicz and Franziska Weidle
(Un)Frozen expressions: Melodramatic excess, affective interval, and the transformative powers of experimental cinema by Jiří Anger
‘The refugee is … FOOD FOR BIOPOLITICS’: Critical knowledgescapes in Ursula Biemann’s Contained Mobility and X-Mission by Ljudmila Bilkic
Iconomy of the derivative image: Effacing the visual currency in Société Réaliste’s The Fountainhead by Calum Watt
Mid-twentieth century radio art: The ontological insecurity of the radio text by Pedro Querido
Special section: #Gesture
edited by Miriam de Rosa
On gesture, or of the blissful promise by Miriam de Rosa
The autistic gesture: Film as neurological training by Janet Harbord
‘Pure gesturality’: Exploring cinematic encounters through exotic dancing by Marco Dalla Gassa
The filmed body and the cinematic gesture: Zoe Beloff’s revisions by Christa Blümlinger
Drawing light: Gesture and suspense in the weave by Nicole DeBrabandere and Alanna Thain
(Not) doing it for the Vine: #Boredom Vine videos and the biopolitics of gesture by Tina Kendall
Touchscreens, tactility, and material traces: From avant-garde artists to Instagram ASMRtists by Jennifer O’Meara
Selfie-screen-sphere: Examining the selfie as a complex, embodying gesture by Darren Berkland
Festival reviews:
edited by Marijke de Valck, Skadi Loist, and Antoine Damiens
Film diplomacy in action at the 23rd Boston Turkish Festival: A critical look at immigrants efforts to promote Turkish culture by Jülide Etem
Reflections on Montreal’s Elektra festival, its twentieth edition, and the exhibition of digital media art by Ger Zielinski
Fields of Loves: Historicising and defining (French) queerness by Antoine Damiens
Exhibition reviews:
edited by Miriam de Rosa and Leo Goldsmith
Blackout / IFFR by Jesse Cumming
Both inside the circle and out: Béla Tarr’s Missing People at the Vienna Festival by Jonathan Klamer
Book reviews:
edited by Lavinia Brydon and Victoria Pastor-González
Media Experiences / Popularizing Japanese TV by Georgia Aitaki
Pinpointing the ‘cinematic’ in twenty-first century art: Dreamlands / On Desire by Fatima Chinita
Female Authorship and the Documentary Image / Female Agency and Documentary Strategies by Alina Predescu
Audiovisual essays:
edited by Tracy Cox-Stanton
Gesture and videographic writing: Manifesting the ‘in between’ by Tracy Cox-Stanton
Gesture in A Woman Under the Influence, a charting of relations by Tracy Cox-Stanton
The Mighty Maestro on Screen by Evelyn Kreutzer
Hands, Up by A Zinsel