Early cinema, Sergei Eisenstein, and film culture today: An interview with Ian Christie on new directions in film history by Annie van den Oever and Malte Hagener
The playfulness of Ingmar Bergman: Screenwriting from notebooks to screenplays by Anna Sofia Rossholm
Handmade films and artist-run labs: The chemical sites of film’s counterculture by Rossella Catanese and Jussi Parikka
Border crossings: Serial figures and the evolution of media by Shane Denson and Ruth Mayer
Special section: #Mapping
edited by Giorgio Avezzù, Teresa Castro, and Giuseppe Fidotta
The exact shape of the world? Media and mapping by Giorgio Avezzù, Teresa Castro, and Giuseppe Fidotta
The mapping of ‘500 Days of Summer’: A processual approach to cinematic cartography by Chris Lukinbeal
Earth networks: ‘The Human Surge’ and cognitive mapping by Tiago de Luca
Digital maps and fan discourse: Moving between heuristics and interpretation by Marta Boni
Embodied cartographies of the unscene: A feminist approach to (geo)visualising film and television production by Laura Sharp
Making the map speak: Indigenous animated cartographies as contrapuntal spatial representations by Lola Remy
Plus ultra: Coloniality and the mapping of American natureculture in the empire of Philip II by Adam Wickberg
Media mapping and oil extraction: A Louisiana story by Janet Walker
Festival reviews:
edited by Marijke de Valck and Skadi Loist
A brief study of film festivals in Mexico: Consumption and historical evolution 2010-2016 by Jacob Bañuelos and Juan Olmedo
The Dutch film festival landscape: A walk-through by Harry van Vliet
Evidentiary aesthetics: Landscapes of violence at RIDM 2017 by Patrick Smith
Exhibition reviews:
edited by Miriam de Rosa and Leo Goldsmith
Codes of conflux: Collaborations between human and computer in MoMa’s ‘Thinking Machines’ by Leo Goldsmith
Nothing stable under heaven at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art by Justin Ross Muchnick
Racial phantasmagoria: The demonisation of the other in Richard Mosse’s ‘Incoming’ by Diego Ramirez
Book reviews:
edited by Lavinia Brydon and Victoria Pastor-González
(Re)imagining African independence by Vicente Sanchez-Biosca
Form and feeling: Kinaesthetic Knowing / Artificial Darkness by Seth Barry Watter
Audiovisual essays:
edited by Miklós Kiss
Videographic scene analyses, part 2 by Miklós Kiss
Witnessing the western by Luís Azevedo
Marxism in ‘Metropolis’ by Greta Calaciura and Shant Bayramian
The l/song take in ‘Before Sunrise’ by Ian Garwood
Agent of chaos: Discontinuous editing in ‘The Dark Knight’ by Drew Morton