Even today there are people who think these harmless little books are dangerous: An interview with David Bordwell by Malte Hagener
From single male guest worker to Muslim: An archaeology of iterating archival footage on Dutch television by Andrea Meuzelaar
The politics of spatiality in experimental nonfiction cinema: Jonathan Perel’s ‘Toponimia’ by Patrick Brian Smith
For here there is no place that does not see you: ‘Minority Report’ and art as de/legitimisation by Josef Früchtl
Special section: #Home
The Calais Jungle: Mediations of home by Mireille Rosello
From the bedroom to LA: Revisiting the settings of early video blogs on YouTube by Rainer Hillrichs
The filmic representation of home in transnational families: The case of ‘I for India’ by Efrén Cuevas
The home screen as an anchor point for mobile media use: Technologies, practices, identities by Stefan Werning
Songs of home (and away): Ethnically-coded diegetic music and multidirectional nostalgia in fiction films about Polish migrants by Kris Van Heuckelom and Iwona Guść
Festival reviews:
edited by Marijke de Valck and Skadi Loist (Film Festival Research Network)
How do film festivals work?: A conversation with Joshua Oppenheimer by Greg de Cuir Jr
Virtual futures and cinematic pasts at the 65th Melbourne International Film Festival by Kirsten Stevens
Films from Asia, attention around the world: 18th Far East Film Festival, Udine by Jinuo Diao
Exhibition reviews:
edited by Miriam De Rosa and Malin Wahlberg (NECS Publication Committee)
Pierdom by Simon Roberts by Lavinia Brydon and Olu Jenzen
A place between desire and experience: Afterthoughts on Carolee Schneemann: Kinetic Painting by Carlos Kong
Book reviews:
edited by Lavinia Brydon and Alena Strohmaier (NECS Publication Committee)
Dreaming of Cinema / Slow Cinema by James Newton
A geography of resistance: Locating US underground film and TV cultures by Andrea Mariani
Audiovisual essays:
guest edited by Catherine Grant
The audiovisual essay as performative research by Catherine Grant
House Arrest by Domietta Torlasco
The Place of Voiceover in Academic Audiovisual Film and Television Criticism by Ian Garwood
Being Bowie by Will Brooker and Rebecca Hughes