Temps mort: Speaking about Chantal Akerman (1950-2015) by Eric de Kuyper and Annie van den Oever
Agamben’s cinema: Psychology versus an ethical form of life by Janet Harbord
Richard Serra: Sculpture, television, and the status quo by Francesco Spampinato
Dredging, drilling, and mapping television’s swamps: An interview with John Caldwell on the 20th anniversary of Televisuality by Markus Stauff
Special section: Vintage
guest edited by Kim Knowles
Locating vintage by Kim Knowles
A theoretical approach to vintage: From oenology to media by Katharina Niemeyer
Technostalgia of the present: From technologies of memory to a memory of technologies by Tim van der Heijden
The way we watched: Vintage television programmes, memories, and memorabilia by Helen Piper
Retro, faux-vintage, and anachronism: When cinema looks back by Stefano Baschiera and Elena Caoduro
No time like the past?: On the new role of vintage and retro in the magazines Scandinavian Retro and Retro Gamer by Kristian Handberg
Death, beauty, and iconoclastic nostalgia: Precarious aesthetics and Lana Del Rey by Arild Fetveit
Audiovisual essays:
edited by Cristina Álvarez López and Adrian Martin
Learning from popular genres – with help from the audiovisual essay by C. Álvarez López and A. Martin
Construction of a Heist by Henrike Lindenberger
Comedy Vitti Style by Pasquale Iannone
Book reviews:
edited by Lavinia Brydon and Alena Strohmaier (NECS Publication Committee)
The Lumière Galaxy by Francesco Pitassio
Beautiful Data / The Democratic Surround by Malte Hagener
Cinema of the Swimming Pool / Cinema as Weather by Adam O’Brien
Festival reviews:
edited by Marijke de Valck and Skadi Loist (Film Festival Research Network)
Selling film in the summer of 2015: Midnight Sun, Il Cinema Ritrovato, and Karlovy Vary by Maria San Filippo
Made in Peru: Lima Film Festival comes of age by Sarah Barrow
Strong positioning on the international festival circuit: An interview with Diana Iljine of Filmfest München by Tanja C. Krainhöfer
Exhibition reviews:
edited by Miriam De Rosa and Malin Wahlberg (NECS Publication Committee)
Hollis Frampton’s ‘other work’ by Michael Zryd
Theaters: Cinematic vintage magnified by Miriam De Rosa
Arab Pop: Whose Gaze is it Anyway? by James Harvey-Davitt
Artists’ Film Biennial, ICA 2014 by Sophia Satchell-Baeza