The tactile and the index: From the remote control to the hand-held computer, some speculative reflections on the bodies of the will by Lorenz Engell
Archival gambits in recent art: What can an image do? by Anik Fournier
Social infomediation of news on Twitter: A French case study by Nikos Smyrnaios and Bernhard Rieder
Revisiting the voice in media and as medium: New materialist propositions by Milla Tiainen
Special Section: Waste
guest edited by Alexandra Schneider and Wanda Strauven
Waste: An introduction by Alexandra Schneider and Wanda Strauven
Orbital ruins by Lisa Parks
‘The Sprawl of Entropy’: Cinema, waste, and obsolescence in the 1960s and 1970s by Matilde Nardelli
Blood, sweat, and tears: Bodily inscriptions in contemporary experimental film by Kim Knowles
Transcending obsolescence in technological ruins? Questions of conservation and presentation in Nam June Paik’s Something Pacific and Rembrandt Automatic by Hanna B. Hölling
Documentaries without documents? Ecocinema and the toxic by Karl Schoonover
‘The Sown and the Waste’ – or, the psychedelic writing of film history by Casper Tybjerg
Media zoology and waste management: Animal energies and medianatures by Jussi Parikka
The aesthetics of dispersed attention: An interview with German media theorist Petra Löffler by Geert Lovink
Found footage photogénie: An interview with Elif Rongen-Kaynakçi and Mark-Paul Meyer by Christian Olesen
Book Reviews:
edited by Lavinia Brydon and Alena Strohmaier (NECS Publication Committee)
Colour Films in Britain review by Eirik Frisvold Hanssen
Re-writing the history of the avant-garde review by Enrico Camporesi
Moving data review by Sophie Gnesda and Ramón Reichert
Festival Reviews:
edited by Marijke de Valck and Skadi Loist (Film Festival Research Network)
Trans* film festivals: An interview with Eliza Steinbock by Skadi Loist and Marijke de Valck
The business of audience festivals: Calgary International Film Festival 2012 review by Brendan Kredell
Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival: Between the national and the global review by Murat Akser
Exhibition Reviews:
Framing, painting, collecting images: Antonioni’s legacy review by Francesco Di Chiara
Federico Fellini and the experience of the grotesque and carnivalesque: Dis-covering the magic of mass culture review by Annie van den Oever
Conference Reviews:
Contemporary Women’s Cinema: Global Scenarios & Transnational Contexts review by Melis Behlil
Revisiting Star Studies review by Šárka Gmiterková