NECSUS – Call for Proposals: Reviews
In addition to articles for our Features sections, NECSUS is also accepting proposals for festival, exhibition and book reviews for our upcoming Spring 2021 issue on a rolling basis. Review articles are generally 2,000-3,000 words and subject to internal review by the section editors.
- For the book review section, we invite critical writing on recent publications that fall within the broad scope of media studies. Reviews may be motivated by current trends in film and media studies but can also tackle issues that remain overlooked within the disciplines, with a focus on one or more recent publications.
- The film festival review offers a platform for writing that falls between the fast and prolific genre of individual festival reports and the slow and rigorous labor of film festival research. Contributors are asked to take a critical distance and reflect upon one or more thematic issues that are relevant to the professional field and/or for media studies.
- The exhibition review section intends to open up a discussion space between essayistic and artistic perspectives. Encompassing the contributions of scholars, curators, artists, and practitioners, this section features standard exhibition reviews, artist/curator interviews as well as a ‘Exhibition tour with’ format.
Access our submission guidelines for reviews here.
Please note that we do not accept full manuscripts for consideration without an invitation.