NECSUS: Call for Book Reviewers – 2024
The purpose of the book review section is to inform NECSUS readers about new scholarship in media studies and to support critical engagement with published work. In the upcoming issues of NECSUS, we are particularly interested in featuring reviews of the following books:
- Feminist Fandom Media Fandom, Digital Feminisms, and Tumblr by Briony Hannell
- Black Boys: The Social Aesthetics of British Urban Film by Clive Chijioke Nwonka
- Exotic Cinema: Encounters with Cultural Difference in Contemporary Transnational Film by Daniela Berghahn
Reviewers are invited to write essays of 2,000-3,000 words that focus on one or more of these publications. It is important that authors take a critical stance on their chosen titles, providing a thoughtful account of the texts and their position alongside other media studies scholarship rather than a general summary. Authors should not be connected to the writers of the books they are reviewing in either personal or professional terms. Reviews may be motivated by current trends in film and media studies but can also tackle issues that remain overlooked within the disciplines.
If you are interesting in reviewing one of these titles – or a different book – please reach out to the to the section editor Victoria Pastor-González using our contact form.