Announcing a new section on ‘Data Papers’
With our upcoming Spring 2023 issue_#Cycles, we are launching a new section: Contributing to the visibility of data work in media studies, the ‘Data Papers’ section will be edited by Alexandra Schneider (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) and Malte Hagener (Philipps-Universität Marburg). As a curated section, each issue of NECSUS will feature one or more data papers in which data is published alongside a documentation and discussion. By including data papers in the journal, we hope that collaborative scholarly research will also gain additional momentum, which we see as a (welcome) challenge in our fields. It would also allow staff that often gets no credit in the humanities (data and IT specialists, student assistants, early career researchers, infrastructural staff) to be credited as part of the work in a larger team.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the section editors via and – and keep an eye out for our upcoming call for contributions!